I will do machine learning, web scraping, image processing
About This Gig
Get Web Scraping, Machine Learning, Algorithmic projects done in Python. I can export the unstructured data to any of your desired format such as EXCEL, CSV, JSON, TXT or export to database.. A Manual is also provided.- Here are detail of scripts that I offer:
- Data mining/Web scrapping
- Automation tools written in Python code for processing Excel, text, XML, image…
- Automation tools for your daily work.
- Machine learning in Python
- Image Processing/ Computer Vision (Object Detection, Segmentation, Face Recognition, Classification)
- Web Scraping (Data collection, Automation)
- Parallel Programming
- Machine Learning (Regression, Clustering, Neural Networks)
- Dynamic programming(Top-down, Bottom-up)
- Trees (AVL, Segment, Binary Indexed Tree,..);
- Data Structures (stack, queue, list .. (linked, array) based)
- Optimization Problems
- Sort (bubble, insertion, selection, counting, bucket, heap, quick,..)
- Geometry techniques
About This Gig
Get Web Scraping, Machine Learning, Algorithmic projects done in Python. I can export the unstructured data to any of your desired format such as EXCEL, CSV, JSON, TXT or export to database.. A Manual is also provided.- Here are detail of scripts that I offer:
- Data mining/Web scrapping
- Automation tools written in Python code for processing Excel, text, XML, image…
- Automation tools for your daily work.
- Machine learning in Python
- Image Processing/ Computer Vision (Object Detection, Segmentation, Face Recognition, Classification)
- Web Scraping (Data collection, Automation)
- Parallel Programming
- Machine Learning (Regression, Clustering, Neural Networks)
- Dynamic programming(Top-down, Bottom-up)
- Trees (AVL, Segment, Binary Indexed Tree,..);
- Data Structures (stack, queue, list .. (linked, array) based)
- Optimization Problems
- Sort (bubble, insertion, selection, counting, bucket, heap, quick,..)
- Geometry techniques