
Manage your logistics and transportation business at the ease of your fingertips. Schedule a 30-minute discussion about your Logistics Application Development Project.

Transport & Logistics App Development Company

In this industry, meeting the demand and supply are the key factors to get succeed. As moving into digitalization, it is expected to reshape the way consumers communicate with businesses which is visible online in their electronic gadgets like online ordering for transport, booking taxis,s and utilizing personal transport services. Transportation Management software module that offers everything right from delivery tracking, fleet forwarding, order entry, fleet invoicing, planning, etc. 


Logistics App Features

We furnish you with a solution that helps you to manage the delivery routes, and dispatch and to bring out an efficient way of operation. Getting a mobile application for your transport and logistics company will help you to:

  • Improve productivity
  • Seamless operation management
  • Precision data analytics
  • Visible inventory
  • GPS tracking
  • Troubleshoot support
  • Customer support
  • Payment Integration

Mobile app solution works as an accurate tool to get the real time data of inventories, returned goods and manpower distributions. Having a mobile app for your business means minimize business-running costs and increased work efficiency.

To develop mobile app solution that has inbuilt real-time tracking feature. The tracking can be enabled at few taps. Customized mobile app development technology, let the customers easily and accurately track their shipments.

Supported by high precision GPS tracking to track the location of field employees. So with GPS enabled mobile app,it will become even easier for managersto track their employee’s productivity.
Every individual customer has their own specific requirements for pick-up, like some customers want them to get their courier picked up from their home, whereas others want to get picked up from an office, shop or the place at their convenience.And having a mobile app for your logistics business can be an effective mean of booking shipments.

Our mobile app solution has inbuilt real-time tracking feature. The tracking can be enabled at few taps. Customized mobile app development technology, let the customers easily and accurately track their shipments.

Increase customers happiness and delivery efficiency with automated delivery notifications and reminders. A dedicated app can let the customers track their shipments and let them know the estimated delivery time.