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Managing web development projects in project management tools

We manage our team properly and assigns correct work to the best professional.

Building a project from A to Z requires you to:

  • Manage a great amount of information

Basically, we ensures projects are moving forward without any temporary or minor problem, all while keeping a smile on your face.

We Plan, We Build, We Implement and We Close the Project.

We use most popular Project Management tools to visualize a process. That brings us closer to the successful completion of the project.

Everyone is a project manager here at Redcrix.

Our Way is to write detailed specs that developers love!

The plan is to have 5 columns, each one has it purpose, filling and moving the cards between them.

  • Things to do: Here we write stories for the tasks. After we agree that Trello Card is relevant for us in terms of the scope and the expertise we can jump straight into the details. We make the cards ready with detailed specs that developers love!
  • Doing: Main column, here we start doing the work. Every project is important for us. We streamline the expected results of the action and manage to get into activity. 
  • Done: The tasks mentioned are marked completed. Here, the development team creates a unit testing environment and works through each story, ensuring that it solves the expected outcome and every bugs found are fixed.
  • Done(Validated): Once a completed task has been reviewed and accepted by the product manager, we move it here. We might left card here, if something for the deployment state is not active.
  • Production Release:  Here, They are delivered to production and are part of the final product. 

Once get awarded; the project would be in safer hands and with mutual cooperation of both the parties at each phase, undoubtedly the project turns out to a big success.

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